Every day of your life is irretrievable. Live every day to the fullest--put off no great moments. Life is a blessing that gives you every opportunity to be extraordinary. Be full of life--enjoy the kiss of life.

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Location: Brentwood, California, United States

i am known on-line as danascullymdfbi--yes, i am an X-Files fan,and back in the day, i would be told that i resemble character Dana Scully (actress Gillian Anderson) in both physical appearance and personality. however, as i am not the only X-Files fan on the net, virtually every combination of Special, Agent, Dana, Katherine, Scully, Mulder, and FBI had been used, so i incorporated the MD (glad to pay hommage to her scientific side, the medical doctor) into the name.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

the reason my wrists are still in tact

Reasons One and Two for still breathing today are my two children, six and seven years old, who I feel too guilty and responsible to leave. I love them more than life itself, as unhealthy as that may be, but they are the only reasons I have. I wonder when my life became so pathetic: when did I become a prisoner of my own grevious errors. I wish I could teach a course on what a waste of precious time it is to live trying to meet other's expectations--what a blasphemy it is to make every decision for someone else's acceptance. How do you tell others that life drains away while you are trying to be the person the world expects you to be? What can I do to keep others from drowning in the misery that cuts off my air and chokes my spirit (whatever is left of it)? No one listens, no one cares, no one knows until they examine their own life and realize, my god, how do I go on? How do I enable my own consciousness every morning without love, purpose or self-respect? Well, I have dishes and laundry to do--again.


Blogger Bad Cat said...

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8:46 PM  
Blogger Bad Cat said...

Dear Danascully_mbfi,

I don't know what your e-mail is so I'll take a chance at your offline PM. I don't know you for someone who replies to an offline message but let's just say that I feel like saying things to a wall
I've learned so much about you by reading your blog and since you put it out there, I guess its okay.
You lead a fascinating life. You have interests that I share as well. I can imagine how much life has and still is promising you.
I can see that your children serves as cherry on top of your ice cream in life. A life worth examining indeed.
Reading your thoughts like that gives me hope and inspiration as well. I am at awe at your spirit and the way you have taken control of what's being put in front of you.
Not everybody has the courage to hold a family together as you have. I can only wish to be as good a parent as you are. Your boys are definitely in the right hands.
I have known many people, some even dear friends of mine who gave up what's important for what they want. We all know some things are worth the sacrifice. And believe me, I believe you when you say that they are more important than life itself.
I would gladly give my life up for something and even someone that I love. Though a sort of fool at times, I do know what love is. Probably more than others.
Despite some things that were said and done in the name of "hospitality", where I lost myself to wanting what the flesh so plainly asks for, I do long for you as a person in the spiritual sense. The internet only allows us just a part of a real freindship. To be kept warm by the touch of one's thoughts.
I guess my liking you goes beyond wanting to have you for my own.
Permit me to feel this way. I've never denied my feelings for anything or for anyone.
And as long as I do not step on other people's happiness, I believe I have the right to feel.
for you.....................
I believe that you will never find what you are looking for Sue. They found you first...............................Mommy.


8:53 PM  

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