Every day of your life is irretrievable. Live every day to the fullest--put off no great moments. Life is a blessing that gives you every opportunity to be extraordinary. Be full of life--enjoy the kiss of life.

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Location: Brentwood, California, United States

i am known on-line as danascullymdfbi--yes, i am an X-Files fan,and back in the day, i would be told that i resemble character Dana Scully (actress Gillian Anderson) in both physical appearance and personality. however, as i am not the only X-Files fan on the net, virtually every combination of Special, Agent, Dana, Katherine, Scully, Mulder, and FBI had been used, so i incorporated the MD (glad to pay hommage to her scientific side, the medical doctor) into the name.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

but what i really want to do is direct...

Actually, that's just the old Hollywood in-joke. I am very happy mothering, writing and consulting. I am an addict for entertainment media--film and television. I accidentally chose Radio/TV/Film as my major in college (what I wanted to be at the time was a media journalist--duh), and wound up with a B.A. in Film. When I was at California State University at Long Beach, I gravitated to scriptwriting, not by choice but as a result of ability. One professor (affectionatly known of as "the Adonis") was impressed by my ability to create half-hour and hour-long television scripts and stories, and he took me with him to pitch scripts in town. At that time in my life, I didn't have a thick enough skin to survive the seering and cruel rejections. I wound up returning to my summer field of tourism (having been a tour hostess at Disneyland, the Queen Mary and Alcatraz Island). I was asked to be the manager of the San Francisco Bay Cruise after college. Feeling like there was no future in that position, I decided to get a "real" job, and wound up as a workers' compensation claims adjuster (one of the few things that could be considered less dignified than a Hollywood doormat). I relatively salvaged any remaining vestige of self-respect by joining the Air Force to serve as a Combat Camerman, creating video productions for a search and rescue unit. More akin to ENG (videojournalism) than film, it placed me behind the camera and expanded my view of the writer's charge. Plus, it was a blast. In January of 1997 I became pregnant with my first child. By the fifth month of my pregnancy I was bordering on every possible dangerous complication. My caseload was being increased rather than decreased and the stress was eating me up. I quit working, thinking I would go back after having the baby. That was almost eight years ago. One year, one month and ten days after Brandon was born, Truman came along. Brandon is now seven and a classic little boy who loves dinosaurs, Playstation 2 and bionicles. Truman is less traditional, into musical theater and art, but still loves dinosaurs and blatant cartoon violence. And I am Mommy. Today, in addition to the blessing of my amazing little boys, I am blessed with a great friend who owns a Hollywood production company. For him I have assisted with sript editing and writing, project creation, story production, casting and research. My greatest current challenge with regard to the industry is completing a feature-length script for hire. I will do it, and they will NOT cut my speech short with that damned orchestra music!


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